Justin Kellner

"While utilizing the landscape's natural forms and textures, I draw upon visual cues from past encounters to achieve a balance between realism and abstraction. My intent is to evoke memories and the sense of a place and time while portraying the interrupted cycles existing throughout the natural world's various ecosystems. The paintings give an impression of the natural areas I've explored, while informing the viewer about their environmental fragility.

Very sensitive to their environments, birds are often a good indicator of the health of a particular ecosystem. In my paintings, I combine aggressive abstract brushstrokes and textures with realistically rendered birds to create spaces that give the impression of erosion, change and isolation”. Justin Kellner holds a BFA from Central Michigan University and a MFA from Kendall College of Art and Design.

Follow the Water’s Edge (Yellow Warbler)

Moving into the Sun (Yellow Warbler)

Willing to Wait (Kentucky Warbler)

Travel to the Vermillion River (Yellow-throated Warbler)

From a Distance (Blackpoll Warbler)

Feel the Sun (Blackburnian Warbler)

Even as it Warms (Chestnut-sided Warbler)

Choose Where to Look (Cape-may Warbler)

Wish I Could Remember (Pine Warbler)

Try Going Forward (Scarlet Tanager)

The Other Left Yesterday Morning (Magnolia Warbler)

There was a Time (Common Yellowthroat)