About the Artist: Donna Talerico
As a child Donna Talerico heard inspiring stories of Paris from her grandmother who had emigrated from Luxembourg as a war bride during the First World War. As a result, in her 30’s she began learning French and visiting France as often as possible. In 1998 Talerico experienced a life-changing event. She was enticed by a friend to attend a painting course in the south of France. Her occupation as a fashion illustrator, a 20-year career, had her working strictly in black & white. At the workshop she found herself immersed in brilliant color and the luscious, intoxicating texture of paint.For the past 16 years Talerico has worked as a full time painter, continuing to be enchanted by the shapes and forms of the streets and buildings of Paris. Her work is pushing the visual boundaries between abstraction and representation while concentrating on powerful composition and a more fluid and expressionistic style.