About the Artist: Laurie Thal
To glass artist Laurie Thal, Glass is the most seductive and alluring material. At 17, Thal intended to embark on a career as a ceramic artist, then she tried glass…. The spontaneity, the heat, the passion, and focus of blowing glass drew her to it immediately. It demanded quick work, and that suited Thal's temperament. She thrived on the dance of precise movements between the glass furnace, at 2400 F, the workbench and the marver table.Heat and timing are critical, movements efficient, all requiring total concentration. Blowing glass reflects how Thal lives her life, with passion and gusto. Thal lives in a stunningly beautiful environment, so that her work is inherently beautiful. That states “When people tell me that owning my work, having it in their homes, passing it every day, using it, gives them joy, I’m fulfilled. If I can add to the beauty of their lives, then I have achieved my goal.”